Crash Team Racing Cheats and Unlockables

Here is the list of Crash Team Racing cheats and unlockables.

Hold L1 + R1 at the main menu to enter a cheat code. You will hear a sound of you entered it correctly.

Unlimited Bombs
Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Up, Triangle, Left

Unlimited Wumpa Fruit
Down, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down.

Unlimitied masks
Left, Triangle, Right, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Down

Unlimited Turbos
Triangle, X, Right, Left, Left, Triangle, X

Unlock Turbo Track
Press right, right, left, triangle, right, down, down

Extra Battle Arenas
Complete all four cups in all difficulties
Parking lot: Easy
The North Bowl: Medium
Basement: Hard

Scrapbook option in main menu
Defeat N. Trophy’s ghost on every track in Time Trial.

Unlock Papu Papu
Left, Triangle, Right, Down, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Down
Or win the Green Gem Cup in adventure mode.

Unlock Fake Crash
Circle, Down, Down, Up, Circle, Circle, Down, Left, Right
Or win the Purple Gem Cup in Adventure mode

Unlock Ripper Roo
Right, Circle, Circle, Down, Up,Down, Right
Or win the Red Gem Cup in adventure mode

Unlock Nitros Oxide
Defeat N. Oxide’s ghost on every track in Time Trial mode.

Unlock Pinstripe
Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Down
Or win the Yellow Gem Cup in adventure mode

Unlock Penta Penguin
Down, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Triangle, Up

Unlock N. Trophy
Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Right
Or defeat N. Trophy’s ghost on every track in Time Trial mode.

See also: Crash Team Racing Shortcuts

Unlock Komodo Joe
Down, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Down
Or win the Blue Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Turbo Pads Upgrade
Triangle, Right, Right, Circle, Left

Enable Turbo counter
Triangle, Down, Down, Circle, Up

Invisibility power-up
Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right

Spyro 2 Demo
Down, Circle, Triangle, Right

1 lap races
Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down

Icy Tracks
Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Circle, Triangle, Down

Super engine mode
Up, Up, Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Down

Super Hard difficulty
Down, Right, Left, Up, X, Right

Character cheats does not work in adventure mode, however infinite masks and a few others will work on every mode.


Read everything about Crash Team Racing on the CTR wikia

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